THE WINNING FORMULA =================== Foreword:- ========== Reading a computer magazine I happened to come across an advert for a horse racing prediction program. Not being totally stupid I was fairly suspicious of how such a system might work and paid it no more attention. The next month while reading the same magazine I came across the same advert, this time with reference to an independent review of its system elsewhere in the magazine. This I had to see. Turning straight to the page I read the review. According to the magazine the program was fool proof. Enter the data and watch your money pile up and all for £24.95. I placed an order! Three days later by first class post the software arrived as promised. A disk and two pieces of A4 paper. As soon as it arrived I ran the program on my computer and entered the first few races. After a week of testing suffice to say the program did not work. The advert had made big claims, the magazine reaffirmed those claims but sadly when the program arrived it was NO GOOD. How my friend and I produced ' The Winning Formula ' is outlined below but it is our intention to allow everybody the chance of using the program, seeing it work and seeing that it works before parting with any money. The Winning Formula is not advertised in any magazine and as far as I know there are no reviews including it. The Winning Formula can only be obtained by trying it first and placing your order after. In this way we aim to demonstrate how our program works and more importantly that our program works. Introduction:- ============== The program before you is the Shareware version of The Winning Formula, the betting sensation set to sweep the country. The designers of this system had only one objective, to create a computerised formula of betting where large profits are guaranteed and the risk of loss confined to those not using the system. Having little betting experience the determined boffins set about interviewing hundreds of punters in bookmakers around the country. The data of over three thousand races was put on disk along with the actual result from each race. Each formula, system and tip was tested against the data for each race on the disk and asked to tip the winner. The choice was checked against the actual result and after three thousand races a winning percentage was produced. Many systems produced around 30%, a few 40% but only a 'found by chance' combination of three totally unrelated systems was able to produce over 50%. Scoring no less than 58% wins and 85% placed. Although pleased by what they had achieved one thing was plainly obvious. If your horse falls you lose your bet. What was needed was an insurance policy. Having spent twelve months searching for the formula to predict which horse would win the race, the two set themselves the task of finding ways of guaranteeing against loss. No sooner had they decided what was necessary they had their second lucky break. While talking to a friend and professional gambler, he suggested the perfect solution. The Perfect Solution:- ====================== Set yourself a target. divide the target by the odds of the favourite and stake the answer on the race. If the favourite wins, you win your target. If it loses you then add your bet to the target and start again. The idea being, if you keep betting, the favourite will win sooner or later. Winning any money you have lost and making a set profit. With the predictor already developed choosing the horse from the race, consecutive losses are kept to a minimum. As the predictor does not always choose the favourite the wind up of loss is not as severe as the professionals ' favourite backing '. The only disadvantage being, the necessity of a large bank of money, to be sure of not running out. This shortcoming was overcome by setting up a continuous system which started with a target win 1/100th of the starting bank. Each time the system wins the profit is put in the bank and a new target win set. e.g. Twin Odds Bet Rslt Bank 1.00 100.00 1.00 4/1 0.30 3rd 99.70 1.30 2/1 0.80 Win 101.15 1.01 3/1 0.40 Win 102.41 1.02 5/2 0.50 2nd 101.91 1.52 2/1 0.90 Win 103.53 In tests the system showed an average of 120 wins per month, each win representing a 1 percent growth in capital and income. After a month over 150 percent growth can be expected. Turning £100 into £250. Each win would then produce £2.50 and so the growth is accelerated for the next month were £250 would become £600. Take a calculator and multiply one hundred pounds by 150 percent once for every month to find out how much money the system earns in a given time. As you will see the system starts to grow quite slowly at first but once into its stride accelerates dramatically to a point where over £1,000,000 is generated in a little under a year and a half. Not very long to wait to be a millionaire. This does however dictate putting all winnings in the bank until you are happy with the income from the system and necessitates another income to live on while you wait for your cash to build up. It is suggested that people continue to work normally leaving the system to build up to a point were retirement is possible. The way we implement the system is to place our bets by phone using a credit card. If I am unable to place my bets one day my partner does it and vice versa. If neither of us are available then there is no harm in missing the odd day. The winnings are paid straight into the bank and the monthly credit card bill is paid on demand. This allows anybody to start betting without money of their own and without even going into a betting office. Loading and Running The Winning Formula:- ========================================= The Winning Formula is supplied on one floppy disk which is formatted to 720 Kb. It is not necessary to install the program to hard disk to evaluate it but it is advisable to do so with the registered version as this will allow it to run more smoothly when in daily use. To start the program simply place the disk in drive A: (or B:) and log on to that drive by typing A: (or B:). It is important to log on to the drive containing The Winning Formula as The Winning Formula creates data files in the current directory. If the current directory is not the same as the directory used to hold The Winning Formula files then the next time the program is used it will not be able to find the data it has stored if the program is run from the directory containing the data files, which may be difficult to find. Once logged onto The Winning Formula directory (A:\) type TWF . The first time the program is run the user is asked to enter the amount of money the system starts with. The program then bases its bets on the amount of money contained in the bank. The idea being that this money is always available for betting and will not be called on for any other purpose. Next time the program is used and once the introduction is over the program goes straight into display mode. This means the screen displays the last 14 races, the corresponding bet and the result. If the race is yet to be run then just the horse and race details are displayed. Faced with a blank screen the first thing to do is to enter a few races. It is best to enter all your races for a given day first and then just enter the results as they come in. As many none handicap races as possible should be entered. NO HANDICAP RACES. The Winning Formula will sort the races into chronological order. As the screen displays only 14 races, no more than 14 races can be entered without a result. Once the result of the first race is entered that race is free to scroll of the screen and another fresh race can be added to the bottom. Trying to enter a race when there are already 14 races with no results produces a beep. The first step in entering a race is to press F1 this switches the program to input mode. The bottom portion of the display now contains instructions for the user on what information the program requires next. At the top of the screen the user is asked to enter the course the race is running at, the time the race starts, the length of the race and the value to the winner. This information can all be obtained in every daily paper. When entered the program moves the cursor to the main display. Numbered 1 to 30 each number corresponds to the race number of each horse. Not many races have more than thirty runners but in the odd case the field should be trimmed to the top 30 favourites with the bookmakers. Again at the bottom portion of the display the program displays which piece of information it requires next for a given horse. The cursor can be moved about the screen using the CTRL key in conjunction with the arrow keys, also the cursor can be moved down one place by hitting enter. This allows the user to perhaps enter all the course winners first and then move back to the start and enter all the distance winners as well as being able to go back and edit any mistakes. Once all the data for each horse has been entered the user should press F1 to calculate the winner. If not already entered then the user is asked to enter the name of the horse corresponding to the number of the predicted winner. Placing Your Bets:- =================== Once the race winner has been calculated the program switches back to display mode where the prediction is displayed. The user may then choose to enter another race or to calculate the next bet. If the user chooses to calculate a bet when there are no races entered the program beeps and waits for another option to be selected. To calculate a bet simply press F2. A box appears next to the race due off next. This is an input box designed to accept the actual odds of the chosen horse. These odds are very important and must be entered correctly. The bets can only be calculated in one order with the result of the first being entered before the odds of the next. The exact odds can be obtained from either CEFAX or from the betting office. If the odds change before you place your bet press ESC and F2 to calculate a bet based on the new odds. Odds may be entered as a fraction or as a decimal. That is 11/2 or 5.5. If a horse is 2/1 you can enter 2 or 2/1. As soon as the odds are entered the bet is displayed in the next column. It is important to move fairly quickly and place your bet. The bet should be placed 'to win' and take the declared price with tax paid on the winnings not on the bet. This is catered for in the program. The next box along to appear is the result box. This is provided so the computer knows whether you have won or lose. Once entered the computer displays the current bank and switches back to display mode. Here the user may choose to enter another race or calculate another bet. All bets have tax built into them so no provision need be made. Also the bets are rounded off so as to disguise the system from the bookie. As with anything the best way to learn something new is to jump in and have a go. If you prefer to place your bets at the bookies The Winning Formula has a printout function which allows the user to print all the races yet to be run with space provided for manual calculating of bets. This is a simple process with a calculator and is as follows. When placing bets in the betting office the first step is to print the races to be run. This is achieved by pressing F9. Your printer should then print a list of all the bets entered and yet to be run along with two very important numbers the target win and the bank. Bets are calculated by dividing the target win by the odds of the chosen horse, multiplying the result by ten percent (for tax) and rounding it up to the nearest 10p. This figure is then placed to win and must also be subtracted from the bank. All being well the chosen horse storms home and you win the bet. Collect the winnings and on the piece of paper add them to the bank. After every win a new target win is set. After making sure the winnings have been added to the bank divide the bank by 100. This figure is your new target win for the next bet. If however you lose your bet the value of the lost bet should be added to the target win before the next bet is calculated. This process is duplicated by the program is itself a clearer way of explanation. IMPORTANT ========= NEVER TELL ANYBODY WHATSOEVER YOU ARE OPERATING A SYSTEM (Not even friends)